Speck & quality pool pumps for sale
We sell brand new speck pumps
- 0.75 kw speck pump supply and fit R4390.00 Incls
- 0.75 kw speck pump supply and fit R4390.00 Incls
We install pool pumps in most areas.
Salt chlorinator
- No more red eyes and itchy skin
- Softer and healthier water
- Total convenience – no need to manually add chlorine
- No need to store hazardous chemicals
The Zodiac Ei Series represents a revolution in salt chlorination and boasts the latest in cutting edge technology. Much of the technology in this range comes straight from the flagship Tri Series, making these entry level reverse polarity chlorinators class-leading! We install this and other models of Salt pool pumps.
we sell speck & Quality sand filters
The AQUASWIM range of sand filters is strong, reliable, and simple to operate. They feature non-corrosive high-flow ABS internal components and an automatic internal air relief system. We install speck and quality sand filters they come in 1/2/3/4/5 bag filters model. The size of the filter depends on the size of your pump.
- Speck 3 bag sand filter supply and fit with filter sand R 5100.00 Incls
- Speck 4 bag sand filter supply and fit with filter sand R 5695.00 incls